Privacy Statement
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Privacy Statement

Your privacy is respected at CHPCards. We do not use, nor will we ever use, any cookies or other means to collect any identifying or personal information from any visitors to this web site.

Generic information is collected by our server, such as the number of visitors to this site, the time of day visited, which specific pages were visited, and which pages were not found. This information cannot be tied back to any individual and we use the information only to optimize the web site for the majority of visitors. This information will never be shared, traded, sold, or given to anyone or any other web site.

Our on-line secure order form is called through our secure server with 128 bit encryption to protect your business card information. The credit card processing for payment of your on-line order is handled by Verifone/ through secure servers. We do not store credit card information on our servers. With on-line ordering, we receive an e-mail confirming the order, including the information necessary to print the business cards and the fact that the credit card was successfully processed.

There are some mail forms on this web site to communicate with us (the Contact form, Secure Order form, and Request Samples form). These forms include your contact information which we use only to respond to you. Any information you supply when you contact us is not collected, tracked, or stored on our servers or on any list. You may prefer, as many of our customers do, to use only your work location for your contact information. Your contact information will never be shared, traded, sold, or given to anyone or any other web site.

There may be third party links on this web site and we do not make any assumptions or assurances regarding the privacy policies of those web sites.

CHPCards does not intentionally collect contact information from children, however, children do have access to the web site and they may submit information without parental knowledge or consent. If we receive any such contact from children, it will only be used to respond directly to the request.

If you have any questions regarding this privacy statement, or anything else on CHPCards, please let us know. Contact Info

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