Mail In Order
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Mail In Business Cards Order Form

Use this form to mail us your order for business cards. Just print this form, complete the required information, and mail it off to us. If you would like to use secure credit card processing and order online, use our Secure Order form.

Click here to Print this Form

All prices include shipping/handling. All cards will be printed on white linen stock. Please note that the gold badge emblems will be customized with your rank and ID. If you are ordering retiree cards, please see our Retiree Order Tips and Samples page.

All order form information is required except those items marked *Optional*. Please print clearly.

Card Information for CHPCards

  1. Number of Cards (circle one)   100($36)    250($85)    500($165)

  2. Emblem Choice (circle one)  
          Badges       Brite Gold Badge.   Gold Badge.   Blue Emblem.   Patch.   K9.

          Vehicles       Camaro. Motorcycle. Helicopter. Plane.

          Retirees       Retired Brite Gold Badge.   Retired Gold Badge.        

  3. Your Name __________________________________________

  4. Your Rank __________________________________________

  5. Your Badge # ________________________________________

  6. Your CHP Area ______________________________________

  7. Your Area Address - Street______________________________
           City _____________________         Zip _______________

  8. Your Area Telephone Number ____________________________

  9. *Optional* Your Fax Number ____________________________

  10. *Optional* Your E-mail address ___________________________

  11. *Optional* Your Pager Number ___________________________

  12. *Optional* Your Cell Number ____________________________

  13. Telephone Number or e-mail address where we can reach you if we
    have a question regarding your order _______________________

  14. *Optional* Comments or Special Instructions ________________

  15. Address to which you want your business cards sent

Business Cards Total Amount Due  $________

Please make checks payable to Aloha Bytes. Enclose your payment for the Total Amount Due and mail it with this form to:

Aloha Bytes
67-133 Komo St.
Waialua, HI 96791

Thank you for your order!

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